Coffee USA Classic American Roast - "Americas Coffee"
Medium roasted with a naturally bright and smooth with a balanced finish.
Our roastmaster combines beans from Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Colombia to make this famous coffee.
American Classic coffee can be found in the mess hall on base in addition to a variety of clubs, restaurants, and food service institutions.
Large 1.5 lb. (24 ounce) bag - Fresh Roasted - Small Batch - Premium Quality
Many of our competitors use 12 oz bags however we offer a large 24 oz 1.5 lbs bag. More coffee for your money.
We recognize that our brave soldiers serving in harm’s way is a special sacrifice which is why we have committed that a portion of every dollar will be used to support our troops.
Profile - Medium Blend
Product Name: Coffee USA American Roast
Manufacturer: Coffee USA
Item Code: 4433